MayFaire Moon
Corsets & Costumes

I take something from the past that has a sort of vitality that has never been exploited – like the crinoline – and get very intense. In the end you do something original because you overlay your own ideas.
–Vivienne Westwood
Your corset should be a joy to wear.
The idea that corsets must be uncomfortable and restricting isn’t true. It never has been, no matter what movies and books would have you believe. Our Western foremothers built their world wearing corsets.

Although the majority of our corsets are made to order, we always have a selection of corsets in stock.
Beautiful work. It’s been a pleasure working with Nikki for several years now!

Merida S
Mayfaire moon has been a fixture in the Renaissance fairs and Conventions that i have attended. I’ve seen the corsets (on the rack and on people) including the famous “tardis” one, in person and they are always stunning.
I have also seen some of her custom costume and wedding work, which is equally gorgeous.
i have tried them on, but do not yet own one as i could never make up my mind which one to get!

I LOVE my MayFaire Moon corset. It was a custom design for a “Silk Phoenix” masquerade costume and it’s wonderful. Fits like a glove, and the fabric painting on it is divine!